Thursday, March 25, 2010


ok so i decided i couldn't live with myself the way i photoshopped the last picture so i did it again and i really like the way this one turned out...i think i will experiment with this some more....


So here is a self portrait i kind of did on the fly....i'm trying to go a little more illustrative with my stuff and not so true to life.....and i swore i wouldn't photoshop it and then i did....not sure if i'm lovin it though.  Here is both versions in Col-erase splendour.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Brief Encounters with Photoshop

Here is a quick frame study from one of my favorite movies, Brief Encounters.  I threw in some highlights with photoshop, as well as the grey BG.  The rest is good ol' Col-erase.