Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Let's Hear It For The Boys!

I really used to hate drawing men.  And still to this day my sketchbook is about 75% women.  They are just more interesting to me!!  Most of the time they dress way cooler or do something weird with their hair.  Men were always just kinda blah looking.  Well I drew these guys today and I gotta say it was a lot of fun.  I GUESS boys are ok............

By the way tomorrow is my first day in my new studio space.  After months of gathering supplies and psyching myself up this is it!  Tomorrow I begin work on my short.
I could not be happier.

Friday, January 27, 2012

I"ll tell ya what I want what I really really want!

I have found that throughout my life, life itself has given me clear indications of what choices to make.  Whether a big or small decision, whenever I thought I didn't have the answer, I found that in fact I did.  Sometimes its hard to listen to yourself and trust that your instincts have your best interests in mind.  A few years ago I found it much easier to listen to my head rather than my heart.  My head led me to making choices that were comfortable for me and offered little to no room for failure (and therefore little to no room for growth!).  This ultimately leads to a very melancholy type of life.  Not really the life I had intended on living.  I found myself unsure of how to dig myself out of the safe dull place I had put myself in.  Well I really have to attribute a book for showing me the way.  The Artists Way By Julie Cameron really changed the way I thought about a lot of things.  Be warned if you do decide to check it out - there is a spiritual element that you may or may not buy into.  But know that it wasn't that which changed things for me.  This book is basically a twelve week course on figuring out who you are an an artist.  Really it teaches you how to hear your own instincts because believe it or not, the answers are already there.  Now I'm happy and proud to say that it is easier to listen to my heart than my head, and my heart so far has taken me on a crazy unpredictable amazing ride!
Thats more like it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Look Forward

So as you all know my lovely job in NY wrapped a little while ago.  I had a heck of a time working on that project with such great and talented people.  Now that its over and I've left NY I've had a few people as me, "Are you sad that its done?  Does it suck that you had to leave NY?".  To that I say no and no!  Here's the thing: I've learned in order to move forward in any way you really can't look back.  If you don't let the old stuff go then you can't make room for the new stuff!  I am so freakin happy and grateful for the opportunity that I had, really there is nothing to be sad about.  It happened and it was awesome!!  Now onto the next amazing thing!
I moved to Vancouver!!!
This was in some ways one of the hardest and easiest decisions I've ever made.  More about it in the next blog post :)
(by the way my paint is still being shipped across Canada along with some other belongings, so the next few posts will be colourless)