Monday, December 13, 2010

Lessons not learned in school...Until today!

Today I had the pleasure of presenting to an elementary school what it means to choose art as a career.  I have several of these presentations scheduled throughout this week.  It was really great and the kids had a great time doing the life drawing and cafe sketching exercises. It can be a really difficult road to take, choosing art as a full time job.  Its not like a lot of careers in that, often times it can seem like its personal and not business.  It's one of the few careers where a sense of self-worth is vital to get ahead.  It can be easy to get down on yourself but you are the only one suffering if that happens.  Unfortunately that is not something I was taught in school but it is a message I try to pass on.

1 comment:

  1. glad you were doing that Alicia. I'm sure the kids just loved it. To have someone who really is out there sharing their talents is something they don't easily forget. The great thing about it is that no doubt you'll walk away having learned something either about art or yourself you didn't know before. love your sketches.

